Facial Skin Resurfacing (CO2 Ablation)
The goal of laser skin resurfacing is simple: replacing damaged skin with new, fresh skin. Techniques for skin resurfacing have made enormous advances, allowing nearly everyone to achieve close to flawless complexions. Many systems allow for light, moderate or deep laser resurfacing. The primary targets of laser skin resurfacing include:
- Fine lines and wrinkles of the face, especially around the upper lip, cheeks and forehead
- Loose eyelid skin
- Crow’s feet around the eyes
- Pucker marks (smoker’s lines) and frown lines
- Brown spots and splotchy, uneven skin tone
- Scars, especially acne scars
- Loose skin around the neck and jowls
How it Works:
The gold standard of laser resurfacing systems, the CO2 laser delivers thousands of tiny laser pulses in a pattern over the skin. Each pulse heats a column of tissue eliminating pigment discolorations at the surface and creating a zone of heating deep in the tissue. Unique to the U these zones of heating shrink collagen immediately. The CO2 laser also offers the benefits of heating deeper layers of skin tissue, thereby stimulating collagen remodeling the skin further. Patients can select from a range of treatments depending on the needs of your skin and lifestyle.
What is laser resurfacing?
C fractional laser procedure performed in a single treatment with minimal patient downtime. During the procedure, a high-energy beam of laser light is used to smooth out lines, wrinkles and scars, remove brown spots and other irregularities. It also stimulates formation of new underlying collagen to continue improvement over time. With fractional laser treatment, only a fraction of the skin’s surface is treated by the laser, leaving small “bridges” of untouched skin. This technique makes the healing process much faster and enables you to get back to normal activities sooner.
Is Facial Skin resurfacing ideal for you?
- Have a busy lifestyle or cannot be away from work for a long time
- Want noticeable results with minimal downtime
- Want to treat dyschromia, fine lines, wrinkles and skin laxity
Come visit our relaxing Medical Spa.
The Cosmetic Coordinator & Nicki Belden, RN is ready to help you with all your facial skin needs.
A private entrance and waiting room have been implemented to make your visit more comfortable.
Call our office today and book your
Cosmetic Consult!
“When You Look Good, You Feel Good!”